New York, New York
2015 - 16
Our 19th project for Barry’s Bootcamp had its grand opening on the Upper East Side in February 2016. The uptown location required a major renovation of a 5,500sf space to convert a second floor movie theater in a residential condo into a highly visible Barry’s studio space. In addition to leveling the sloping theater floor, the space required detailed acoustical work, as well as intensive HVAC and plumbing upgrades, which required x-raying the thick concrete shear wall to install new ductwork. While Barry’s signature red lights illuminate the studio, new branded elements include gold and silver tiles at the men's and women's spa-quality locker rooms. Expansion of the Barry's community to the Upper East Side – the fitness brand’s first uptown location – rolled out seamlessly, with the studio’s classes at full capacity from opening day.
Photo credit: Gustav Liliequist